Kids' Toys: To Keep or Not to Keep? 

Every Christmas, birthday and special occasion brings more and more toys for your children. Toys can quickly overflow taking up a lot of space. You need to allow them to enjoy new things but at the same time you’ve got to keep the clutter to a minimum. It’s all about balance and out with the old, in with the new. If something is broke or missing pieces then pitch it. It’s no good.


Set up a schedule for a couple different times of year that you will through all the toys and give away some items. It makes most sense to make the schedule so that you are going through things a month or so before birthdays and Christmas. This way you will be getting rid of old things to make room for the new things. If your child is old enough to understand, let them be a part of the process. Let them help you decide what will be gotten rid of.



As older children go through their things let younger siblings decide if there is anything they want. Make sure they understand that if they keep something from their older sibling they have to get rid of something from the toys they already have.


If you would like to take the time and it’s something you think your kids are old enough for, set up a yard sale. Allow your children to decide what they would like to sell and allow them to keep the money from their items that sell. You’ll probably have to help them decide if their items are in good enough shape to sell.


Younger children will need some time to adjust to giving things away. They can be generous in their giving away abilities but they often realize at a later time that they gave away a favorite toy or something. Before you actually let them give things away allow them some practice time. Set up a box for give away items but don’t really give them away; instead put them in a closet or in the garage. This way if the younger child realizes they gave away a favorite toy, you can get it back for them. After a couple weeks if they haven’t realized they’ve given anything favorite away then it’s time to get rid of the toys for real.


Many charities are happy to take gently used toys, books and games. Even your local hospitals or shelters will sometimes accept donations. This is a great way to teach your children about being able to bless those that are less fortunate than themselves.

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